Hey friend! What's tea?

Welcome to my blog! Chile, it’s been quite a journey getting here. You’ll get a little ‘dose’ of whats going on in the world of Javari. (Vee if ya nasty) I’m a black, gay man who’s trying to balance love, life, and career in a world that doesn’t always see me for who I am. I’m on a mission to break boundaries, create new norms, and inspire others to be their authentic selves. Currently,  I’m in a transitional phase of my life and figuring out who this new man is that I’m becoming. I’m allowing myself the space to grow and make mistakes along the way. Nobody’s perfect, right? If you haven’t figured out life just yet, then you’re in the right place. Let’s figure this shit out together! Be prepared to laugh, cry, and laugh again. I hope to inspire you to live unapologetically and give yourself some grace. Now go find your wine glass and pour up! It’s time to get into some things. 

