The Cocktail Hour: Vee’s Prayer

I’m sure we’ve all heard of Ciara’s prayer. If there was a physical copy of that highly coveted piece of African American literature, I bet it’d be worth millions. For now, it remains a secret, like that one ingredient in my aunt’s spaghetti. Is there such a thing as Mr. Perfect? One thing’s for sure, Mr. Wrong has definitely creeped up quite a few times, but who’s counting? Since I’m here, I might as well make good use of my time on this good day that the Lord has made. This is my honest attempt at my very own prayer. Yes, for him. 

A good friend recently asked me what I was looking for in a man. You know how you have a vision of something in your head but can’t explain it? For those late to the party, I couldn’t put what I wanted into words. 

I’m becoming more confident in my skin, and I would love a man who’s comfortable in his. Lord, I pray that he’s kind. I hope he’s the type of guy that’s just too sweet to be true. I pray he has a passion/purpose and lives everyday to fulfill it. He must be romantic, but not by Wikipedia’s definition. I pray that he has the creativity to make anything he envisions come to life. Let his presence stop the commotion in a packed room. I pray that when he speaks, all will listen, because when he talks he has something to say. My primary love language is Words of Affirmation, so let him know he better use his words wisely. If he knows his way around the kitchen, that would be a total plus big guy.

I pray that we share the same love for music. I hope we can jam out to 90s R&B while making dinner or even have our own Tiny Desk concerts in the living room. I pray he doesn’t take life too seriously and that he enjoys a good laugh. Let him also be a family man who knows the value of quality time. I just recently got into the arts scene, so I won’t mind if he’s creative. A musician, photographer, or even a graphic designer. If he’s the next Picasso, I wouldn’t be mad at that either. 

Lord, advise him that he’ll need a lot patience. I’m your child, so you know that I’m a work in progress. We are doing the work, though. Most importantly, I hope he has his own relationship with you. I can’t help but think how cool (and slightly weird) it’d be to someday reveal this letter to him. For now, I’d rather believe that he’s somewhere writing his own prayer and laughing about how, 5 years from now, me and his mama will be arguing about who’s mac-n-cheese is better.

I’ve spent my whole life trying to find out who this mystery man is. If I’m being completely honest, I’m exhausted. That is why I can say with a whole heart, I put this journey in your hands. As the old folks say, good things come to those who wait. Lord, I apologize for being so stubborn. I’ve always heard that you have the final say, and now I00% believe it. I trust that with you, all things are possible. Until that day comes, a guy can still dream…right?

In your name, 
